Princely Rank in late Medieval Europe

Trodden Paths and Promising Avenues
RANK. Politisch-soziale Ordnungen im mittelalterlichen Europa, Band 1
Herausgegeben von Jörg Peltzer
  54,00 €
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Comparative studies in late medieval history are still relatively rare. This volume aims to prepare the ground for comparative work on the aristocracies in late medieval Europe, notably on the English earls and the imperial princes. Leading scholars from England, Germany and France analyse past, present and potential future approaches to the study of late medieval princely elites. Case studies shed light on issues including the way in which surviving records shape the historian’s image of the earls and imperial princes, how rolls of arms can be exploited as a source for studying princely rank, how magnates used the architecture of their castles to display their status and the other strategies they deployed to support their ambitions.

The series RANK publishes studies on the social and political fabric of medieval polities. The series focuses, in particular, on the processes of social diff erentiation and the ways in which individuals and groups communicated their position within contemporary society.
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Auflage 1. Auflage 2011
Einband Hardcover mit Schutzumschlag
Ausstattung mit etwa 46 z.T. farbigen Abbildungen
Seitenzahl 360
Format 17 x 24 cm
ISBN/EAN 978-3-7995-9120-1
VGP-Nr. 409120
Schlagwörter Grafen, Sozialgeschichte
Jörg Peltzer (Hg.)

Prof. Dr. Jörg Peltzer ist Professor für vergleichende Landesgeschichte in europäischer Perspektive mit dem Schwerpunkt Spätmittelalter an der Universität Heidelberg und British Academy Global Professor an der University of East Anglia, Norwich.

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