Heraldic Studies

5 Artikel

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  1. Heraldry in Contact
    Urte Krass Miguel Metelo de Seixas

    Heraldry in Contact

    Perspectives and Challenges of a Connective Image Form
    Band 5
      52,00 €
    Inkl. 7% MwSt. , exkl. Versandkosten
  2. Armorials in medieval manuscripts
    Elmar Hofman

    Armorials in medieval manuscripts

    Collections of coats of arms as means of communication and historical sources in France and the Holy Roman Empire (13th–early 16th centuries)
    Band 4
      58,00 €
    Inkl. 7% MwSt. , exkl. Versandkosten
  3. Heraldry in Medieval and Early Modern State Rooms
    Torsten Hiltmann Miguel Metelo de Seixas

    Heraldry in Medieval and Early Modern State Rooms

    Band 3
      65,00 €
    Inkl. 7% MwSt. , exkl. Versandkosten
  4. Matter(s) of State
    Steven Thiry Torsten Hiltmann Laurent Hablot

    Matter(s) of State

    Heraldic Display and Discourse in the Early Modern Monarchy (c. 1480-1650)
    Band 2
      59,00 €
    Inkl. 7% MwSt. , exkl. Versandkosten
  5. Heraldic Artists and Painters in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times
    Laurent Hablot Torsten Hiltmann

    Heraldic Artists and Painters in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times

    Band 1
      45,00 €
    Inkl. 7% MwSt. , exkl. Versandkosten

5 Artikel

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